Can Switching Jobs Damage your Reputation?
Posted on November 19, 2013 at 3:25 pm
Many people may need to switch jobs to finally understand where they want to be and what industry they want to work in, yet by doing this too often; can it damage our reputation with potential employers?
Well, in short… Yes, especially if you have not held down a job at all for longer than a year. In the job/career world a year is not such a long time. And potential employers will want to know if you’re dedicated to their position and loyal, and the only way they are able to determine if you are is by checking your employee history.
Of course age can at times be considered, and if you’re extremely young it is quite common to switch jobs to find your feet and know exactly what you want to do. Even if you’re working in a job whereby you are unable to see your foreseeable future there, you may want to stick around, because it could help your luck with jobs in the long run.
Posted in Jobs