School governor recruitment drive
Posted on May 16, 2014 at 2:30 pm
A recent report on schools in and around England indicate there is a vast need to recruit more school governors to represent the wider community. The government is in the process of formulating a series of calls to action to encourage more people to become a school governor.
At this current moment in time there are around 350,000 governors in England that their combine value to the school system is worth £1 billion a year, while controlling the budget of £45 billion worth of school spending.
The results show that 96% of the school governors are usually retired and have had professional or managerial jobs prior to becoming a governor. The recruitment drive is trying to involve more ethnicities from different socio-economic groups to give the approach to governing a holistic representation of the population covering both urban and rural settings.
Governing bodies are trying to give incentives in order for employers to let people take time off work (if still in active employment) so they can get involved as the typical time allotted to school governing is between 4 and 16 hours a month.