Finding a Job that you will Love
Posted on January 31, 2017 at 12:55 pm
It’s so important that you love your job. After all, you spend so much time doing it. If you just don’t feel that way about your current position, it’s time to rethink and find a new job. You deserve to be happy in what you do, so get looking straight away and find something more suited to your personality.
You could try asking friends and family what they think you would be good at. They will be able to give you advice based on what they know about your strengths, as well as the kind of person you are. They may be able to spot personality traits that you can’t see yourself.
Talk to a professional. This could be a careers’ counsellor, or perhaps a recruiter. Both will be able to give you a variety of options and can present you with jobs you may not have previously come across. See if any of them take your fancy.
Posted in Jobs